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23 Skunks

23 Skunks

The Noisy Cavern can now rightfully claim to have hosted a loud and furious sounding group - just imagine strenuous yelling and moshing heads and you are sure to summon up images of the "23 Skunks". This young group from El Monte effortlessly swiped the title from the previous group to hold it, and as of now, it is not too clear who that was, but nonetheless, 23 Skunks accomplished this even before their front man, Robert Ramirez, took the stage. There was a bit of speculation that there might be ties to Richard, but the team who rarely has their head on right wasn't brash enough to find out.

It took a bit of liquid courage to help Ramirez forget about his ailing health (hey, take care of that throat guy), but he was soon ready to make battle with his demons. With there metal ska-core sound, these 23 Skunks will make want you get up and break something, if not, at least kick over the trashcan on the way out. Make sure to check out their newest album "Heathens" which was released late last year.

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