NAMM Day 1

Thursday morning started out foggy and slow, but the excitement coming from the queues forming outside of the convention center doors must have been enough to split the clouds and awaken the group. Noisy Cavern had a smaller team covering the floor today, but they still managed to discover many wonderful attendees and plenty of different sounds. There were instruments galore, beautiful people everywhere, and very unique styles being flaunted all over the showroom floor - of every conceivable genre. The team visited many vendors including Fender, Shure, Zoom, Westone Audio, ESP, Rickenbacker, ICan, JD Sound, Ibanez, and more. All exhibitors were excited to share information on their product, and the episodes should be coming soon.

Once again, the team couldn't get enough of the T560. Guests were able to provide a CD where a single would be pulled and converted into a record, in real time. Now who wouldn't want a new 12" vinyl? The only thing missing was a graphic artist on hand ready to prepare unique cover sleeve artwork. These vinyl recorder kits come with a complete mechanic stereo cutter head that is fused with a 2A slow diamond stylus mono microscope, a 40X Lamp that is 220V 40W, and all cables and adapters. Good for record parties, right?

Imagine a giant wall of instrument pedals. Well, the BOSS room was as close as that was going to get. They featured a very creative and colorful art display for BOSS pedals. As a bass player enthusiast, BOSS's unveiling of the new BC-1X Bass Comp was exciting news. The technology in these new little guys provides studio-level multi-band compression, which is perfect for the stage or studio bassist. Want to talk like a robot, well if you're a loyalist to the BOSS brand, then aren't you in luck. BOSS has introduced their new VO-1 Vocoder so now everyone can easily achieve classic electronic voice textures typical in electronic groups or animated cartoon robots.

David was ecstatic about the BOSS display above. Apparently he helped construct this sturdy piece of metal.

Earphones were a plenty throughout the halls at NAMM, but Westone Laboratories showcased their specialty in-ear monitoring technology in a very fun way. The booth featured bands performing in what appeared to be silence, a-la iPod dance parties, until visitors put on a set of Westone ear monitors to experience the live performance. These ear pieces featured a universal-fit design that allows for immediate incorporation into any playing situation.

We were introduced to the ESP guitar sound by Danny Guzman of Whispers in Reverse. ESP showcased updates to Alex Skolnick’s signature series, and Andy James’s 7-string Eclipse. New editions to the LTD lineup include a TE-417 7-string, a multi-scale bass, and a new member to the ESP artist roster by way of Glenn Tipton’s signature GT-600.

These collector's edition Fender classic guitars keep the old look but also have new features added to them.

Fender never disappoints...
A blog about NAMM wouldn't feel right without some cool celebrity musician sightings. Below we have Billy Corgan, Maroon 5 lead guitarist, James Valentine, and Stevie Wonder.
Photos by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for NAMM. Stevie Wonder Photo by David Munoz.
